Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Tuesday Afternoon

It’s Tuesday afternoon at the office and I’m quietly writing web content. Suddenly, what sounds like the Alabama A&M marching band comes rumbling down the street. Fifteen drummers lay down a beat in front of an idol from a local temple. As you can imagine, work comes to an abrupt halt. I would love to tell you it was some kind of special festival or holiday but it’s just India.

Luckily, I had my video camera with me. Enjoy.

Coworker Deepak: Well, they are taking this god on procession. They take around the neighborhood, dip it in water. This one they won’t dip in water. They will put it back in the temple.

Me: Which god is this?

Deepak: (pause) I have no idea.

Me: Well, it’s an important one.


  1. Okay. I am all for celebrations. What a fun diversion from the workday. Is there ever a dull moment in India? I think they are on to something!

  2. Uh Conor, are you sure those arnt the homeless men still protesting for carpenters rights (as if anyone could remember what they actually were protesting for) on K st outside of PCG? Sounds pretty similar, and the effect is the same--complete office paralysis.

    Maybe India is not so different after all...

  3. Michael, nice reference. I get the feeling protesters and processions are going to become a reoccurring theme in my life. For comparisons sake, the procession drummers in India absolutely dominated the protesters in DC. The sounds was better and if we can judge on ability to bring work to a screeching halt, the Indians are unmatched.
